Combining exercise activities for fitness with eating a whole-food plant-based diet is a major key to enjoying a fit and healthy lifestyle. And when you choose the activity that suits you, exercise can actually be fun! Here are 6 exercise activities for fitness and health that might interest you!

Exercise Activities for Keeping Fit

1. Walking for Aerobic Fun Fitness

aerobic fitness - Running across a bridge over a pond at sunset

You can use walking to really take your health to another level, if you do it with good intensity and regularly. I like it because it gets me out looking around and discovering new things in my environment; enjoying the scenery and creation that is so easy to miss in our busy world. Even just seeing a little sparrow light in front of me gives me a sense of inner peace.

To me, walking in the good old outdoors is one of the most holistic exercises you can do. It benefits many aspects of a person’s health and wellbeing. And it is inexpensive. All you need is a comfortable well-fitting pair of tennis shoes, a t shirt, and some shorts or sweat pants.

You can vary your routine by walking around your neighbourhood during the work week. But on your days off work you could go to a nice park, the beach, or nature reserve for a somewhat longer hike. This is fun fitness and a wholesome weekend activity all the family can share in.

exercise activities for fitness can be fun

2. Gym Workouts for Fun Fitness

working out at the gym

My mother became ill a couple of years ago and decided to take her exercise routine seriously. At 72 years old, she took up going to one of our local gyms, doing weight training and walking on the treadmill. So maybe going to the gym would be something you would enjoy. There are so many different machines at the gym. Plus motivation to consistently workout can be stronger than when you use the equipment at home.

When you see other gym members putting in effort and getting results, it’s motivational. And when someone next to me on the treadmill is running hard, it sparks me to go harder. Plus there are aerobics classes, weight training classes, and other types of group activities which might help keep the exercise experience interesting and motivating for you.

3. Ballet workouts

Last year a young friend of mine invited me along to an adult ballet class with her. I loved dance as a child but only had a few opportunities to take dance classes in my youth. But the beauty and strength of dance has always touched me deeply. Going to that class each week not only improved my fitness, it calmed my spirit as well. I loved it!

Ballet workouts

I have since seen excellent videos of beautiful women of all ages performing ballet as a group exercise. It’s like it was made for everyone to be able to share in.

I am a person who thrives better on peaceful, strength restoring exercise. That is what the ballet is to me. If you are like me, you might enjoy checking out an adult dance class in your area. If you can’t find or afford an in-person ballet class, there are lots of dance tutorials and classes you can follow on the internet.

4. Stay Fit with Swimming Exercise

physical excercise man swimming in pool Swimming Exercise

Whether you go to the beach or to the pool, swimming is great for keeping fit without taxing the body too much. The water supports the body weight. So if you have bad knees or a back injury and find other forms of exercise aggravate those injuries, you might want to give swimming a go. It can be a really great way to incorporate fun fitness into your life without the pain.

 – What if you feel uncomfortable wearing a swim suit or trunks in public? You may be able to find someone in your community who hires out their pool on a one hour basis to individuals. We have gone to those types of pools in the past.

5. Keeping Fit with Home Circuit Training

This is something I really enjoy. Choose four or five good exercises such as push ups, jumping jacks, a mini trampoline, a kettle ball, and squats. These are just some examples. You might be able to think of more.

Home Circuit Training improves fitness

Set up stations for each exercise around the floor in a big room in your home or out in your back yard . Make sure you clear any obstacles out of the way. Put on your favorite music and exercise away, moving from one station to another every two minutes or so. This is fun fitness for sure!

If you have five pieces of equipment you will complete the circuit three times in 30 to 45 minutes. Feel free to have a break between stations if you want to.

6. Tennis and Basketball for Family Fitness

older man playing basketball on an outdoor court Tennis and Basketball are great fitness and health activities for all the family

Many communities have tennis courts and basketball courts which can be used by anyone in the public. They are often empty unless there is an organized sport group using them. So why not use these facilities with a few friends or family members when you know they are not in use?

Men and women of all ages can enjoy these activities. Children and even young adults love doing this type of thing with the family. Spending time this way can help the family be fit, focused, and draw closer together.

These are just a few exercise activities for fitness to consider when developing a workout routine. I am sure you can think of others that might be more suited to your interests. There are so many healthy fitness activities to choose from no matter your skill levels, interests, or income.

The important thing is to choose an activity that suits you. This will help you stay consistent and keep a positive mindset toward working out. It will help you to actually embrace a good healthy workout and see it as something to look forward to.

Yes!!! Exercise activities for fitness can be fun!

Exercise activities for fitness can be fun!
exercise for fitness can be fun
exercise activities for fitness can be fun


Last updated February 25, 2024


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Last updated February 25, 2024


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