Natural living is a way of life I have admired and been interested in for much of my life.
Years ago, a wonderful naturopath helped me begin to get a fuller understanding of the basic principles of Natural Living and apply them to my own life.
By following the principles that she taught me, I was able to lower my blood pressure, lose excess weight, heal from uterine fibroids, and cure fatty liver disease.
Having witnessed my own health transformations, I have a great appreciation for the fact that my body has been designed to heal itself. I feel encouraged and empowered knowing the actions I take can either enhance this process or discourage it.
While I have seen the value of accepting help from health care practitioners when needed, my experience has taught me this… the person that has the most responsibility and the greatest power in caring for my health… is me.
My goal is to now share natural living tips to inspire you, myself and others to embrace natural living and really enjoy the benefits of doing so.
Yours sincerely
Nesbug Naturals
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