If you have any health concerns, such as kidney disease, it would be a good idea to speak to your health care provider to determine the best amount of water to drink in your situation.

When it comes to improving our health, the first thing often discussed is the food we eat. Eating a nutritious plant-based diet is definitely important for our health and well being. But drinking quality water is just as important. Additionally, it is important to learn a few guidelines on how to drink water to get the most benefit for our health.

A person can go up to several weeks without eating depending on their health condition. But going just a few days without water can lead to death.Yet many times people do not hydrate their bodies sufficiently. Why would a person not drink enough water when it is so essential to life? Could they be drinking too many other types of beverages – such as coffee, soda, or milk? Do they not like the taste of water? Maybe they just don’t understand how essential drinking good water is for our overall health.

woman in athleisure drinking water

Maybe they just don’t understand how essential drinking good water is for our overall health.

Here are five basic tips about how and why to drink water on a plant-based diet.

1. Water keeps us hydrated.

A large proportion of our body is water. We lose some moisture throughout the day when we breathe, through bowel movements and urination, and when sweating.

The rate at which we lose water or become dehydrated depends on factors such as our diet, our activities, or the environment around us (temperature, humidity, wind factor….). So we need to replenish the moisture we have lost to maintain proper hydration level of our body.

Are you one of the dry ones? Some people tend to become dehydrated more quickly than others. Or they may develop dry skin more quickly than others, just because of their personal body makeup. I am one of those people. I notice if I don’t drink enough water at several intervals throughout the day, I can become very tired. Also my skin looks dry. My thinking abilities diminish. So we drier people have to really focus on keeping well hydrated. However, focus on proper hydration is something all humans want to be alert to.

A person’s diet is a big factor in determining how much water they need to drink. Someone eating a diet which includes lots of dehydrating foods may need to drink more water than a person who eats a primarily raw food diet (which often includes eating plenty of foods with a high water content).

2. We drink water to transport minerals and nutrients throughout the cells.

If we ate the most nutrient dense plant-based diet but didn’t drink enough water, we would not properly assimilate all those wonderful vitamins and minerals our body needs to be nourished.

3. Water quality is important.

A person could have all the water to drink in the world. But if the quality is bad, it could do more harm than good. The best water I have ever drunk in my life is pure mountain spring water straight from the source. If you can source it yourself or have it delivered to your home, pure mountain spring water is definitely up there at the top of the good quality water chain.

However the most affordable and accessible water for many people on a day to day basis is tap water. The quality of tap water can be effected by the purification process or by what chemicals are used by your local water treatment facilities. So a good quality filtering system, at least for the kitchen, is important.

Our family has used the Enagic LeveLuk SD501 in the past. This system also controls the pH level of the water running from your faucet. Water of different pH levels are for different uses (cleaning, cosmetics, medications, drinking). However, the Enagic LeveLuk SD501 is a bit expensive.

So if you are looking for a more economical kitchen countertop water filtration system, here is another option –  AquaTruCountertop Water Filter Purification System with Exclusive 4 – Stage Ultra Reverse Osmosis Technology (No Plumbing or Installation Required) | BPA Free.

Whichever system you decide to buy, find out how long it takes the system to filtrate the water.

A friend of mine bought a system for a very cheap price. However it took 2 minutes just to filter 8 ounces of water. The company said the system was extra slow because of the high quality of the filter system. They suggested using the system to fill a large container with water to store, rather that filling a cup each time a drink of water is required.

So it is good to do the research. Find out how long it takes the system to filter the water. Inquire about what type of filtration system process is used. Ask what impurities the system actually filter from the water. It is also good to know the type and quality of the water in your area (pH levels, chemicals, etc…). That knowledge will help you decide what type of system will best suit your needs.

If you don’t have the option of buying a water filter at this time do not be distressed. There are other ways to filter and minimise the amount of contamination coming from the tap water you use for drinking. You can find out some of these methods by researching what reputable sources have to say on the matter.

4. Proper water storage is vital.

red stainless steel water bottle

These days it’s popular to walk around sipping water out of a flimsy plastic bottle. Often the bottle has been sitting in a hot car with the sun beating down on it. Something to avoid if you want a great tasting, healthy source of water.

But sometimes we do need to tote water with us. The best materials for toting water are bottles made of glass or stainless steel. I love using stainless steel the best. It doesn’t break and it keeps the water cool for much of the day.

Here is a good one you can buy off Amazon with a variety of colours to choose from. – Milton Thermosteel Duo DLX 1000, Double Walled Vacuum Insulated Flask 1000 ml

 Another option I have just found out about is boxed water. One company selling boxed water is Boxed Water is Better.

5. How to drink water – When to drink.

It is best to drink water no more than half an hour before eating a meal or two hours after eating. If you must drink with a meal, just take small sips. Too much water while eating or right after eating may interfere with proper digestion of those essential vitamins and minerals we are hoping to gain by eating a healthy diet.

Ideally, rather than drinking a large amount of water in one go, it is best to spread out our intake of water throughout the day. Personally I find doing this helps me feel more hydrated, alert, and even less hungry throughout my day.

Some people like sipping on water while working out, especially when doing a long or intense session. That is a good idea since a lot of moisture is being lost during these activities.

Bonus Tip!

One of the best sources of water that we can find is in moisture rich fruits. This includes fruits like grapes, watermelon, apples, oranges, and berries.  So next time you are preparing to go on that long drive, why not pack some moisture rich fruit to quench your thirst? Some health care practitioners actually say eating your water is the best way to hydrate the body.

orange grove of fruit trees


If you have any health concerns such as kidney disease speak to your health care provider. They can help you to determine the best amount of water to drink in your situation.


Last updated February 25, 2024


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Last updated February 25, 2024


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