Years ago a wonderful naturopath helped me take a more holistic approach in caring for my health. She helped me begin to understand the basic principles of Healthy Natural Living. As a result, I began to apply them to my own life. Her advice helped me improve my health in so many ways. I was able to lower my blood pressure, lose excess weight, heal from uterine fibroids, and cure fatty liver disease. I appreciated her help because I could not find any truly holistic medical doctors in my area to help me.
However sometimes a good traditional medical doctor is needed. The good news is there are great medical doctors who understand the importance of taking a holistic approach in caring for their patients. If you are looking for such a doctor you can search online for holistic practitioners in your area. However, even if there are no such doctors in your area you can find doctors who offer their services online.

Some Great Holistic Medical Doctors
Here is a list of a few reputable medical doctors who offer medical advice on their websites. They also have written books to help educate people on the benefits of caring for their health holistically. These doctors also offer in-person and online health improvement programs you can sign up for if you want to work with them personally. Of course they cannot take the place of having a personal doctor who lives in your community. But the information on their websites and in their books is very valuable and provides much information on how to embrace a holistic approach to health care. They can also help you to feel more empowered to take personal responsibility for your own health. This list includes only a few such doctors. The good thing is… their numbers continue to grow!
- Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
- Dr. Baxter Montgomery, M.D.
- Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., M.D
- Dr. Brooke Goldner M.D.
Medical doctors who take a holistic approach often report finding more satisfaction in caring for their patients. These doctors primarily encourage patients to tap into their body’s innate ability to heal itself through various approaches to Healthy Natural Living. They are choosing not to be overly reliant on medications and invasive surgical procedures. Rather they are encouraging their patients to look to whole food plant-based nutrition and other principles of Healthy Natural Living. As a result, their patients are often experiencing greater health benefits.
Of course, in cases of emergency the use of medication and invasive surgical procedures may be unavoidable. However, great holistic medical doctors try to only use these tools as a last resort. You can go to their websites and read amazing testimonials from some of their patients. As you will see, these patients have followed their advice and experienced amazing results.

My Personal Experience
Having witnessed my own health transformations, I have a great appreciation for the fact that my body has been designed to heal itself. I feel encouraged and empowered knowing the actions I take can either enhance this process or discourage it. I truly value the medical practitioners who have educated me. And I appreciate the support they have given me to take a holistic approach in caring for my health.
I certainly have seen the value of accepting help from health care practitioners when needed. But my experience has taught me a valuable lesson. What is that lesson? That the person that has the most responsibility and the greatest power in caring for my health… is me. My goal is to now to pass on some of the knowledge that has helped me improve my health. I also want to inspire you to appreciate the power you have in caring for you own health. I want to encourage us all to continue embracing Healthy Natural Living and enjoy the benefits of doing so.